
Dried apricots

KLUTH Beutel Cashewkerneexample 200g bags

Quality: US-Quality (American Standard), Nr. 2/3

Origin: Turkey

Description: Apricots, sulphured/unsulphured

Main Areas of Cultivation:
Turkey, Iran, South Africa, USA, Australia

Quality: sweet: Turkey slightly sour: Iran, South Africa, USA

Turkey: the sweet, completely-pitted Malatya apricots are particularly popular with consumers. They are available in different levels of quality, and the "American Standard" distinguishes the best apricots produced in Turkey.

Slightly sour apricots are intended for an entirely different consumer group than the sweet Turkish ones. These are primarily used in industry. The German consumer has gotten used to the sweet, whole-fruit variety which have been part of a high quality food assortment for decades.

Increasing numbers of consumers are showing a preference for unsulphured apricots. The intensive-tasting fruit is produced without preservatives and as such is part of the general trend toward natural foods. The dark outward appearance is accepted by this consumer group.

Usually eaten raw as a snack, stewed in fruit soup or mixed with other types of fruit in casseroles, waffles and pancakes. Apricots cut up into small pieces and mixed in the breakfast cereals provide a good start into the day.